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Хотите почувствовать себя в роли Зачарованных, тогда попытайтесь воспользоваться их заклинаниями, и , если вы действительно обладаете силой, то у вас всё получится. У меня, к сожаленью ещё ни одно заклинание не сработало. Хотя заклинания из этого раздела более работоспособны, чем из русской версии - это оригиналы, а не перевод.

1 сезон

Заклинание для получения силы трех.

Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
The oldest of Gods are invoked here
Great work of magic is sought.
In this night and in this hour,
I call upon the ancient power
Bring your powers to we sisters three
We want the power, give us the power.

Заклинание, чтобы победить Джереми (нерабочее).

Your love wither and depart
from my life and my heart,
Let me be, Jeremy, and go away forever

Заклинание, чтобы победить Джереми (рабочее).

The power of three
                    will set us free.
  The power of three
                    will set us free.
  The power of three
                    will set us free."

 Заклинание, побеждающее Явну.

Evil eyes, look unto thee
May they soon extinguished be                                      
Bend they will to the power of three,
Eye of earth, evil and accursed

Заклинание, побеждающее перевертышей.

When in the circle that is home,
Safety's gone and evils roam,
Rid all beings from these walls,
We sisters three, now heed our call

Заклинание для атаки мужчины.

To find true love...
  I conjure thee,
     I conjure thee
I'm the Queen,
    You're The be
              As I desire so shall it be."

Заклинание правды.

For those who want the truth revealed,
Opened hearts and secrets unsealed,
From now until its now again
Until then which the memory ends.
Those who now are in this house
Will hear the truth from others mouths

Заклинание для помещения Мэтью в медальон.

Outside of time, outside of gain,
Know only sorrow, know only pain

Заклинание для вызова Мелинды.

Melinda Warren,
Blood of our blood,
Our great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother,
We summon thee.

Заклинание, отправляющее Мелинду в ее время.

Melinda Warren,
Blood of our blood,
We release you.

Заклинание, забирающее силу трех.

From whence they came,
Return them now,
Vanish the words,
Vanish our powers.

Заклинание, побеждающее Вугимена.  

I am light,
I am one too strong to fight,
Return to dark where shadows dwell
You cannot have this Halliwell.
Go away and leave my sight
And take with you this endless night.

Заклинание, умножающее силы в три раза.

Take my powers blessed be
Multiply their strength by three.

Заклинание, чтобы возвратиться в свое время

The bond which was not to be done
Give us the power to see it undone
And turn back time to whence it was begun.

Заклинание, чтобы возвратиться в настоящее.

A time for everything
And everything its place.
Return what has been moved
Through time and space.

Заклинание, побеждающее Николаса.

Lavender, Mimosa, Holy thistle,
Cleans this evil from our mist,
Scatter its cells throughout time,
Let this Nick no more exist

Заклинание, изгоняющее злого духа.

Ashes to ashes, spirit to spirit,
Take his soul, vanish this evil

Заклинание для обмена силами

What's mine is yours,
What's yours is mine,
Let our powers cross the line.
I offer up my gift to share,
Switch our powers through the air


2 сезон

Заклинание для путешествия в будущее

Hear these words,
Hear the rhyme,
We send you this burning sign
Then our futur selves we'll find
In another place and time.

Заклинание, создающее дверь

When you find your path is blocked
All you have to do is knock.

Заклинание для увеличения интеллекта

Spirits, send the words
From all across the land
Allow me to absorb them
Through the touch of either hand
For 24 hours from 7 to 7
I will understand all meaning
Of the words from here to heaven

Заклинание для проникновения в картину

Absolvo Amitto
Amplus Brevis
Semper Mea.
Перевод с латинского на английский:
To free what is lost say these words: mine forever

Заклинание, освобождающее людей из картины

Verba Omnes Liberant.
Перевод с латинского на английский:
Words free us all

Заклинание для привлечения Сукуба

By the forces of heaven and hell
Drawn to us this women fell
Run from her fowl desire
That she might perish
As moth to fire.

Заклинание для чтения мыслей людей

As the flame lights shadow and truth ends fear,
open locked thoughts to my mind's willing ear
May the smoke from this candle into everywhere creep,
Bringing innermost voices to my mind and speech

Заклинание для пробуждения кого-либо.

Troubled blood with sleep's unease,
remove the cause of this disease
Sleep eternal nevermore,
and shift this source of illness borne
To this poppet whom none shall mourn

Заклинание противоположно предыдущему

What was awakened from its sleep
Must once again slumber deep

Return to the disease to whence it came
So life can ease back to the same

Заклинание для превращения животных в людей.

From strike of 12 count 24
That's how long the spell is for.
If to abate my lonely heart
And chant these gifts I thee impart.

Заклинание противоположное предыдущему

Something wicked in our midst,
In human from these spirits dwell,
Make them animals sayth this spell.
Under the magic acted here
reverse the spell so all is clear.

Заклинание обратное 2-м предыдущим

Undo the magic acted here
reverse the spell so all is clear

Заклинание, позволяющее увидеть свои прошлую жизнь

Remove the chains of time and space
And make my spirit soar
Let these mortal arms embrace
The life that haunts before.

Заклинание, позволяющее попасть в свою прошлую жизнь и полностью контролировать ее

In this time and in this place
Take this spirit I displace
Bring it forth while I go back
To inhabit a soul so black.

Заклинание, чтобы вернуться

In this time and in this place
Take this spirit I displaced
Bring me forth while she goes back
To her soul so black.

Заклинание силы

I beseech all powers above
Send a sign to free my sister's heart
One that will lead to her love.

Заклинание на удачу

From this moment on
Your pain is erased
Your bad luck as well.
Enjoy your good luck, Maggie
You're free from this hell

Заклинание, забирающее силу у ведьмы

Powers of the witches rise
Course unseen across the skies
Come to us who call you near
Come to us and settle here.

Заклинание, вызывающее Крито

We call on the demon Cryto,
Reach back through the ages,
Humbled by his power,
We invite him into our circle.

Заклинание для убийства Крито

What witches done and them undone
Return this spirit and back within
And separate him from his skin

Заклинание, побеждающее демона иллюзий (не сработало)

Evil that has travelled here
I call on you to disappear
Elementals, hear my call,
Remove this creature
From these walls

Заклинание для убийства Либриса

Demon hide your evil face.
Libris, die and leave no trace

Заклинание, побеждающее демона Анархии

Sower of discord
Your works now must cease.
I vanquish thee now
With these words of peace.

Заклинание, поюеждающее Дракона

The Power of Three will set us free.

3 сезон

Заклинание, позволяющее видеть то, чего не видят другие

In this tween time
This darkest hour
We call upon the secret power
Three together stand alone
Command the unseen to be shown
In innocents we search this guys
And chanted our are now found

Заклинание, чтобы освободиться от подарка Эмпата

Free the empath
Release his gift
Let his pain be cast adrift

Заклинание для получения зелья против Бальтазара

Spirits of Air, Forest and Sea
Set us of this demon free;
Beasts of hoof and Beasts of shell
Drive this demon back to hell.

Заклинание, вызывающее Бальтазара

Magic forces black and white,
Reach out through space and light.
Be he far, or be he near.
Bring us the demon Belthazor here.

Заклинание, побеждающее алхимика

Let flesh be flesh and bone be bone
the Alchemist shall transform none,
cruel scientist of evil born
with this words face the fire's scorn.

Host soul reject this evil essence
Let loves light end this cruel possession

Заклинание, убивающее Хеймса

Time for amends and a victims revenge,
cloning power turned sour,
power to change turned to strange
I'm rejectin your deflection

Заклинание потери и находки

Guiding spirits I ask your charity
lend me your focus and clarity,
Lead me to the one I cannot find
restore that and my peace of mind.

Заклинание для нахождения Тома

Show me the path to the one I cannot find
to save Tom and restore Prue's peace of mind

Заклинание,завершающее действие первого

I return what I didn't want to find.
Let it be out of sight, out of mind.

Заклинание, позволяющее Прю и демонам напасть на ее сестер

Through this book
Weave this spell
Create the pain of heaven to hell
May she suffer
Excemo Dempress Anama Tomb

Powers of light
Magic of bright
Cast this flight
Into forever's night

Заклинание, вызывающее ангела смерти

Spirits of air, sand and sea
Converge to set the Angel free
In the wind I send this rhyme
Bring death before me before my time

Заклинание, побеждающее Искателей

Knowledge gained by murderous means
Is wisdom's bitter enemy
The mind that burns with stolen fire
Will now become you're funeral pier

Заклинание, исполняющее сеанс

Beloved unknown spirit, we seek your guidance
We ask that you commune with us and move among us

Заклинание, увеличивающее боль в 9 раз

Nine times this evil has cheated death
felt no pain and kept its breath
This warlock standing in our midst
let him feel what he has missed

Заклинание для поиска Банши

Let the piercing cry that feeds on pain
And leaves more sorrow than it gains
Shall now be heard by one who seeks
To stop the havoc that it grieks


4 сезон

Заклинание для возвращения потерянной сестры

Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
The oldest of Gods are invoked here,
The great work of magic is sought.

In this night and this hour
I call upon the ancient power
Bring back my sister
Bring back the power of three

Заклинание, вызывающее потерянную ведьму

Power of the witches rise,
Course unseen across the skies,
Come to us who call you near,
Come to us and settle here.

Blood to blood, I summon thee,
Let blood return to me.

Заклинание вызывающее призрак Грэмс

Hear these words,hear my cry
spirits from the other side
come to me is ummon thee
cross now the great divide

Заклинание переносящее человека в другую реальность

Take him back, take him away
Remove him, don't let him stay.
We call the spirits to help undo
And send him off to Tinbucktu.

Заклинание с помощью которого можно увидеть зло через очки

Magic Forces Far And Wide
Enchant These So Those Cant Hide
Allow This Witch To Use Therein
So She Can Reveal The Evil Within

Заклинание, побеждающее Шэкса

Evil wind that blows,
That which forms below,
No longer may you dwell,
Death takes you with this spell.

Заклинание, чтобы помочь Ансу

Let the object of objection,
become but a dream,
as I cause the seen,
to be unseen

Заклинание для изменения сознания

These words will travel,
Through the minds,
Of Stubborn Parties and unbind,
Thoughts to rigid to be kind,
A compamise will dis-entwine

Заклинание для нахождения Пайпер

Powers of the sisters rice
Cors unseen and cross the skys
Come to us we call you hear
Come to us and settle here

Заклинание меняющее тела

Just once I’d like to know how is it like to be
Phoebe, kick some serious ass.

Заклинание меняющее тела снова

I wanna be me again.

Заклинание, уничтожающее собирателей

Small of mind,
Big of woe,
The pain you caused,
you now will know

Заклинание, чтобы победить демона 

Vanquish we three witches cry,
When final shock and then you die

Spell to mind link

Life to life,
And mind to mind,
Our spirits now
Will intertwine,
We meld our souls,
And journey to the
One whose thoughts
We wish we knew.

Заклинание, забирающее силу

From whence they came,
Return them now,
Vanish the words,
Vanish our powers

Заклинаие для нахождения Пайпер

Power of the witchs raise
cors unseen across the skies
come to us who call you here
come to us and settle here

Заклинание для нахождения сестры

Blood to blood
in summun thee
blood to blood
return to me

Заклинание для убийства колдуна

Evil is a faithful foe
But Good does battle best
We witches with these words
Waste this warlocks evil zest.

Заклинание для вызова духа ангела

Hear these words, hear my cry,
Spirit from the other side
Come to us, we summon Thee,
Cross now the Great Divide.

Заклинание для повторного вызова духа ангела

Beloved spirit Angela.
We seek your guidance.
We ask that you commune with us and move among us.

Заклинание для нахождения потерянных сил ведьм

Powers of the witches rise,
Course unseen across the skies,
Come to us who call you near,
Come to us and settle here.

Заклинание для уничтожения Хозяина

Sisters three, unite in this hour Penelope, Prudence, Patricia, Melinda.
Astrid, Helena, Laura and Grace.
Halliwell witches stand strong beside us.
Vanish this evil for time and from space!



Заклинание для нахождения Майли

Water rise up from the sea
Find the one who fled from thee.
Follow where the winds are cold
Then fall tenfold like days of old

Заклинание для нахождения Sea Hag

Powers of the witches rise
Find the Hag who speaks in lies.
Balance Shakras, focus Chi
Lead us through the cruel cruel sea.

Заклинание для изгнания Барбаса

Pruedence, Penelope, Patricia,
Melinda, Astrid, Helena,
Laura and Grace,
Halliwell witches stand strong beside us!
Vanquish this evil from time and space!

Заклинание для изгнания демонов прошлого

Hell is spun,
Demon creature of death,
Fire shall take your breath.

Заклинание, помещающее Osgod в зеркало

Freedom's lost, must be unwitting,
into the glass, to do my bidding

Заклинание для пробуждения Snow White

Hear our call for those who fall,
purge her to awaken from this toxic taken

Заклинание, изгоняющее страх

Locked in, boxed in
Full of fear,
My panic grows manic
Till I can’t hear.
In need of reprieve
So that I can breathe,
Remove my fear
Please make it leave.

Заклинание, которое открыло Фиби ее чувства

Open Phoebe’s heart to Cole
Reveal the secret that it holds
Bring forth the passion of love’s fire
That he may feel her true desire.

Заклинание для уничтоженния Крона

Tide of evil wash the shore
Bring this darkness nevermore
Fell our strength, leave fight as fate
Make this evil obliterate.

Заклинание для удаления силы

Before the passing of this hour
Take away all their powers

Заклинание для изгнания души Фиби

Together no more
Through time,
Expel her soul
Leave only mine.

Заклинание для изгнания души Изис

Two worn souls now burn inside
Where only one can reside
I call upon The Power of Three
To save the body and set Paige free.

Заклинание для изгнания сил Фиби

This witch’s power cannot fight
The lure of Evil’s magic might.
Before misused lines are in hell,
Remove the powers of Phoebe Halliwell.

Заклинание для изгнания Зла из Нэксуса

I am light,
I’m one too strong to fight
Return to Dark where shadows dwell
You can’t have this Halliwell.
So go away and leave my sight
And take with you this endless night.

Заклинание для вызова доктора для ведьм

Free us from the ties that bind
Of evil magic entertwined.
We call upon the one who cures
He who’s to the Dark inured.

Заклинание для возврата особняка

Let the object of objection return,
So its existence may be reaffirmed.

Заклинание для уничтожения Кронина и Дориса

Beast of legend, myth, and lore:
Give my words the power to soar
And kill this evil evermore.

Заклинание для починки вещей

Personal loss should not be mine,
restore this sweater and make it fine

Заклинание удачи

To find good luck,
finances have run amuck
creditors I soon must duck,
I cast this spell to find good luck
and hope my life will seize to suck

Заклинание для оживления воспоминаний

Let the truth be told,
let out lives unfold
so that we can re-live our memories,
and stop being enemies

Заклинание для превращения Tull в дерево

Changing seasons changes all
Life renews as creation calls.
Nothing is immune
Everything transmutes
So take this demon
And give him roots.

Заклинание для вызова Creeper

Demons who dwell
In slivers of night,
Uncloak your shadows
To witches' sight.

Заклинание для обнаружения правды

For those who want the truth revealed,
Opened hearts and secrets unsealed,
From now until its now again
After which the memory ends.

Заклинание для вызова Пэнни

Hear these words, hear my cry,
Spirit from the other side
Come to me, I summon Thee,
Cross now the Great Divide.


6 сезон

Заклинание для возвращения памяти

Powers and emotions tied
A witch's heart is where is lies
Help her through her agony
Bless her with her memory

Заклинание для снятия проклятия

I call upon the Halliwells
I call our powers to undo this spell
Make right again that we must
Reverse the curse that made this mutt

Заклинание, чтобы открыть чье-либо сердце

Open Piper's heart to reveal
That part which only Phoebe feels
Send it back from whence it came
Don't protect her from the pain

Заклинание для восстановления пробелов

Moments lost make witches wonder
Warlock's plot or demon's plunder?
If this is not a prank,
Help us to fill in the blanks

Заклинание для превращения трех блондинок в "зачарованных"

Blinking faces blank and ho-hum,
We are they and they are no one.
Grant to us the power of three
And turn them into nobody

Заклинание, побеждающее призрака

To banish a ghost
to oblivion pour
this mixture over
the departed bones.

a palmful of pomegranate seeds
ground into a fine paste
a pinch of comfry root
a pinch of blood meal
a pinch of clematis seed
a pinch of dried rhubarb leaf

Mix well, add a chalice of
twice blessed water and boil.

Заклинание для вызова мертвеца

Unknown spirit, we call to thee
Those who wish to set you free.
Cross on over, so that we may help.
Come to us. Reveal yourself.

Заклинание, с помощью которого можно стать невидимым

Blessed with powers from my destiny
bless this hero with invincibility.


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